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Playlisting And Listing Plays
29 novembre 2009

Meds - Placebo

"I was confused by the powers that be,
Forgetting names and faces.
Passersby were looking at me,
As if they could erase it.

Baby, did you forget to take your meds ?
Baby, did you forget to take your meds ?"

I already ate them all, il ne me reste plus rien.

Demain, reprise des cours.

Today I die. Tomorrow I live better.
In between, I forget.
And after doesn't exist.
This game is only about present, past is a tool, and future does not exist.
Je préfèrerai tout simplement dessiner, laissez moi tranquille.
Peut être que je deviendrai illustratrice, prof de piano. Je passerai mon niveau 7 et foirerai à trois points près le niveau 8. Et je ferai peur à mes élèves parce que je leur parlerai un remix de chinois, d'anglais, de français, d'allemand, de sourires et de pleurs.
Girl, you're finished. All you have to do now it to shoot yourself.
Mais j'ai pas envie : je pourrai plus entendre Yann Tiersen. Et la prof d'Art a besoin de mon storyboard. Je veux voir l'animation, le sapin se former, les guirlandes briller et l'étoile tomber.
We don't give a shit about this. Kill yourself the way Medea should have killed herself. You're as bad as a daughter as she was a bad daughter, mother, lover, friend and half-goddess.
Mais je veux continuer de dessiner. Ecouter la musique. Voir quelques personnes sourire.
You're not the one making them smile. Without you, it would be so much easier. Because of you, they feel bothered, never knowing what to do. You're restraining them. You're such a selfish one.
Qu'importe, si je suis si faite que cela, si surfaite que cela, pourquoi est-ce que vous ne m'embarquez pas ?
Because we're here to
torture you. Now, go to bed.
Bientôt. Vous savez quoi ?
What?Aren't you ever going to stop messing around and suicide yourself.
Non, ce serait indécent. J'ai lu que les schizophrènes, ils avaient l'esprit fendu. Peut être que je suis fêlée.
You're asking this only now ? Man, you're slow my dear.
Merci, je t'aime beaucoup aussi, tu sais.
You're welcome, but I don't really care actually. Now, GO.
C'est bon, 'est bon j'y vais.
N O W.

Playlisting And Listing Plays
Playlisting And Listing Plays